New Game! Wikia serves to catalog the franchise of New Game!, including it's characters, the anime, manga and discography.
Victor Vasiliev Bryan Tong Minh Sam Reed Brad Jorsch(2013年至今的开发组领导) 请将您的评论、建议和问题发送至,或提交错误请求至。 取自“特殊:Api帮助”...
New Game+ is for story purposes only: players will not receive any EXP or other rewards from quests that they obtained in their first playthrough on the same character. Any Quest Battles that are part of a New Game+ chapter will have the "Easy" and "Very Easy" difficulty options available...
ASAGI MUTSUKI ★★★ 浅黄睦月(正月) 声优:大久保瑠美 设计/原画:DoReMi 立绘 回忆大厅 动态壁纸 档案 所属 格黑娜学园 社团 便利屋68 生日 7月29日 学年 2年级 年龄 16岁 身高 144cm 兴趣 收集炸弹 StudentProfileDetailedInfo.css StudentProfileDetailedInfo.js ...
New Quest EASY 3 / 188 HARD 5 / 319 CHAOS 12+ / 839 GLITCH N/A CRASH N/A DREAM N/A 获取方式 OA系统内分析物件“雏菊项链” ▲ 上一首:Tomb Robber ▼ 下一首:バステット[Cytus II Edit] 歌曲信息 所属角色 Bo Bo BPM 122 时长 2:11 发行版本 3.7 制作信息 曲师 3...
这里是DoDo攻略组,一个由喜爱这款游戏的玩家组成的民间攻略组织,致力于无偿的向玩家提供攻略、数据图鉴、视频、同人相关的内容,希望WIKI给各位玩家的游戏旅程带来便利。 当然WIKI的制作也不离开各位大佬们,有兴趣想参与WIKI建设的玩家可以加入交流群,私聊群主或者管理了解详情。
Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki 26,774 pages Explore navigation Game info Game modes Events More in: Summoning events, New Heroes summoning events New Heroes: The Chosen Ones Edit This page is about the summoning event. For the Voting Gauntlet event, see The Chosen Ones. ...
Release Date2024/04/13Saturday [View Characters] LinksHome PageEN WikiJP WikiTrends HistoryCompare Anime DB Links (Add)MyAnimeList Character Popularity*35 WatchingIn ProgressRei[ 12 ]CompleteShinyShinigami[ 12 ] Character DesignerYoshiyuki Miwa
Otherwise, we will be updating this wiki with all of the most recent codes, so make sure to check back frequently! Those are all of the codes we currently have listed for Roblox Drive World. If you see one that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments so we can add it ...
From PCGamingWiki, the wiki about fixing PC games Although this product has been released, it remains under active development - information may change frequently and could be outdated or irrelevant. New World Developers Amazon Game Studios Orange County ...