进入New FordMustang座舱,双展翼前面板、附有加热功能的经典三幅式方向盘、及全新深色铝质亮面刷纹饰板,都营造出有如战斗机般的驾驶氛围,GT Premium更标配竞技型Recaro®皮质赛车椅,不仅可提供绝佳的包覆性与乘坐舒适性,战斗气息更是进一步提升。而在新车上最大亮点为全车系标配12.3英寸全液晶多功能显示仪表萤幕,搭...
Current price for “as shown” vehicle excludes destination/delivery fee plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Does not include A, Z or X Plan price. All Mustang Shelby GT350, Shelby GT...
The All-New Ford Mustang EcoBoost®Premium車型搭載All-New 2.3L EcoBoost®渦輪增壓汽油引擎(305ps/5,500rpm、48.4kg-m/3,000rpm)與SelectShift®十速手自排變速箱(含換檔撥片);GT Premium車型則搭載第四代5.0L CoyoteTMV8自然進氣汽油引擎(446ps/7,000rpm、55.1kg-m/5,100rpm),透過全新...
The All-New Ford Mustang EcoBoost®Premium車型搭載All-New 2.3L EcoBoost®渦輪增壓汽油引擎(305ps/5,500rpm、48.4kg-m/3,000rpm)與SelectShift®十速手自排變速箱(含換檔撥片);GT Premium車型則搭載第四代5.0L CoyoteTMV8自然進氣汽油引擎(446ps/7,000rpm、55.1kg-m/5,100rpm),透過全新設計...
身為Ford Mustang車系的性能悍駒,GT Premium車型首度搭載MagneRide®主動式電磁阻尼懸吊系統,利用電磁式原理,用比傳統式避震器更快的速度改變避震器內的阻尼係數,約莫每秒可進行1,000次自動調整,根據不同路況主動調整四輪避震器至最適切的阻尼係數,迅速適應不同路面,全時性強化車身動態表現,讓車主能夠更加自信且舒適...
同時,Ford Mustang已連續六年蟬聯「全球最暢銷雙門跑車」頭銜,在全球跑車市場擁有高人氣。而在車迷期盼下,2021年式New Ford Mustang也正式與台灣消費者見面,提供EcoBoost®Premium及GT Premium兩款車型選擇,售價分別為NT$ 196.9萬及NT$243.9萬,滿足不同風格之駕馭樂趣,展現馳騁快感兼具安全性的全面表現。
Current price for “as shown” vehicle excludes destination/delivery fee plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Does not include A, Z or X Plan price. All Mustang Shelby GT350, Shelby GT...
Ford Mustang Mach-E VIEW PHOTOSMarc Urbano Just because it doesn't have the growl of Mustangs before it doesn't mean the Ford Mustang Mach-E can't run wild. The GT Performance variant has 634 pound-feet of torque, nine more than the 760-hp supercharged V-8 Shelby Mustang GT500. Durin...
Model Number Ford Mustang GTView more DescriptionReport Item TAKE A LOOK AT THIS:Maisto 1:24 New hot sale 1967 Ford Mustang GT simulation alloy car model crafts decoration collection toy tools gift PRODUCT PROPERTY:✨ 1: If you are looking for our product, the brand of maisto is your good...
New Ford Mustang市场分析 Ford Mustang 很多人不爱大街车,想要点与众不同,看看满街的掀背钢炮或者类GT-R、EVO,Ford Mustang给人很不一样的风味,不论是内在甚至动力输出的特性,和欧系性能车款有很大的差异,甚至转动方向盘的过程中,也有不同的驾驶风格与乐趣; Ford Mustang 上次试车时我曾说过,只要视觉系的改装...