The board of directors of a condominium or cooperative association must be elected by the process prescribed in Chapter 718 or 719, Florida Statutes, and Rule 61B-23.0021 or 61B-75.005 of the Florida Administrative Code, unless your association has 10 or fewer units and has adopted an alternat...
In most cases proxy forms designate more than one proxy holder. If the form is drafted to designate A or B as proxy holder, then either one may act independently of the other, and the actual bearer of the proxy is the one who gets to cast the votes. If, on the other hand, the pr...
LLP, a law firm located in New York City. “You cannot create age limitations of any kind relative to the board. It’s illegal. And that’s under both federal and state laws and statutes.”
explains further. “The primary context of the power of the board is determined by its organizational structure. If a condo or co-op has a corporate organization, those statutes will outline what the board is entitled to do. Having said that, these structures still allow for...