Beatriz Williams brings us another intriguing historical fiction read with "The Beach at Summerly." In 1946, the mysterious Olive moves into the guest cottage at an idyllic summer estate, and the caretaker's daughter, Emilia, finds herself connected to the new arrival and to the wealthy family...
Before We Turn To DustDecember 7, 2024 Western | Romance Historical BellevueDecember 3, 2024Thriller Medical Blacklight BornDecember 3, 2024 Science Fiction Blade's EndDecember 2, 2024Fantasy Urban Bluebird DayDecember 3, 2024Women's Fiction Contemporary | Women's Fiction Family Life Buried...
In this batch of new release books you will find new fiction that puts books and book lovers centre stage, blockbuster thrillers, moving historical fiction from some of the biggest names in the genre and rom-coms with a fun sci-fi twist. Erica Bauermeister’s latest novelNo Two Personsis a...
🏆 Winner of the 2023 Elizabeth Longford Prize for Historical Biography The foreigners who fought against Franco in Spain are much feted in literature and the popular imagination, those who helped India fight for its independence from the British Empire not so much. In this book, Indian historia...
We are pleased to share the book trailer forSisters of Castle Leodby Elizabeth Hutchison Bernard. If you enjoyed the Outlander series, you would love this! Sisters of Castle Leod: A Novel Publication Date:January 19th, 2023 Genre:Historical Fiction ...
John Hushon Releases New Religious Historical Fiction Novel - The Tax Collector’s Good News, New Historical Fiction Novel Explores Origins of the Gospel of Matthew.
Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeriesis one of the most enchanting historical fiction books with fae and magic for adults. 11| The Stolen Heir by Holly Black – New YA Fae Fantasy Book, January 2023 Buy It Here Synopsis: A runaway queen. A reluctant prince. And a quest that may destro...
Released:January 10, 2023 by Del Rey Genre:Historical: European,Romance,Science Fiction/Fantasy Series:Emily Wilde #1 A curmudgeonly professor journeys to a small town in the far north to study faerie folklore and discovers dark fae magic, friendship, and love in the start of a heartwarming ...
NEW HISTORICAL FICTIONThe article reviews several books, including "Threads and Flames," by Esther Friesner, "Annexed," by Sharon Dogar, "Half Brother," by Kenneth Oppel.Hudson, Hannah TrierweilerInstructor
Released: March 7, 2023 by St. Martin's Press Genre: Historical: European, Literary Fiction, Science Fiction/Fantasy Three women. Five centuries. One secret. ‘I had nature in my heart, she said. Like she did, and her mother before her. There was something about us – the Weyward ...