This rule continues FDA's work to implement the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), and the additional traceability requirements imposed are due to the requirements of FSMA. These additional requirements go beyond the standard "one up, one down" tracking that currently occurs to better allow ...
Data/IT.Ensure full transparency around all substances used in the packaging by developing a clear perspective on substances in the organization’s own production processes while also requiring similar transparency from suppliers. Ideally, as part of this plan, intro...
Data traceability is crucial in the drug development process. This system, based on digital recording, ensures that experimental data cannot be revoked or altered after uploading to the system, thus safeguarding intellectual property rights i...
“Traceability is a global trend in healthcare B2B,” she said “Over the last seven to ten years, it has started to be a real concern for all the health authorities mainly to fight against counterfeit (or ‘falsified’) medicines or medical devices and to facilitate the recall process.”...
The 5-log reduction rule of sanitizing took on new meaning when applied to newer methods for getting surfaces biologically clean. Validation of surface cleanliness with particle counting and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) let us redefine “clean...
Results from this preliminary in vitro study revealed the good visibility of these meshes in CT scans, although not all the contrast agents tested showed the same traceability over time. Additive manufacturing is currently being used in combination with other technologies to transform 3D-printed ...
These new environmentally-friendly habits offer valuable advantages: (a) reusing such "waste" material to get as much value as possible from every resource, which offers a unprecedented degree of traceability on the materials' origin as sourcing channels already exist and are secured [5]; (b) ...
A lot has been said about the challenges that the seafood industry faces in complying with FDA’s Food Traceability Rule (FSMA 204). And there are indeed challenges for this global industry that literally feeds the world, with seafood being one of the most highly traded commodities. The global...
HAZARD ANALYSIS CRITICAL CONTROL POINT (HACCP) 危害分析与关键控制点 HACCP — A Proactive Approach to Ensure Food Safety HACCP — 确保食品安全的积极预防手段 With high public and media attention, one food-borne illness outbreak is too many for any business. 由于公众和媒体的高度关注,任何一个企业都...
美国FDA 2003 年公布了《食品安全跟踪条例》,要 求所有进 口企业必须建立并保全食品流通过程中 的全部信息记录¨ 。可见,福建农产品想要走出国 门、走向世界 ,突破发达 国家农产品方 面的贸易壁 垒,减少贸易摩擦 ,必须建立严格 、规范的农产品质 量安全可追溯体系 ,实现与国际接轨。