The aim of the research is to provide a numerical evaluation of the occurrence of New European Bauhaus (NEB) principles in urban plans, using four key indicators: GI (green infrastructure), POS (public open space), PSN (public and social needs), and UR (urban r...
Today, the European Commission has adopted theNew European Bauhaus (NEB) Investment Guidelines, a tool to illustrate howpublic and private investmentscan integrate the values of sustainability, inclusion and aesthetics promoted by the NEB to transform ...
It mostly displayed the output of his Bauhaus “Werkbund,” including a Mies-designed modern house. (Pinterest/Reichstarifvertrag) THE OTHER BERLIN…at top, the Friedrichstrasse, Berlin’s “street of sin,” in the late 1920s; below right, prostitutes ply their trade in 1920s Berlin; and...
Supporting the "Green Deal" is the New European Bauhaus (NEB). District heating and cooling (DHC) is an important part of a decarbonized European energy system, and its role in the transition has been stressed by the EU. In this paper, DHC is, for the first time, ...
In addition to its demand for a more sustainable architecture, the New European Bauhaus calls for the increased inclusivity of disadvantaged groups in both the architectural design process as well as in the outcome of this process. It also calls for an improvement of the aesthetic quality of the...
The author's goal in this paper was to examine the impact of political initiatives on public spaces, and because of the timeliness and multifaceted ambitions of the New European Bauhaus (NEB), it was this initiative that was chosen for analysis. The paper describes the implement...
The ETOM NEB-Lab for the New European Bauhaus and the ETOM - European Triennial of Modernismdoi:10.52200/docomomo.70.15The article presents the discussion on collaborative trans-European dimension of Modernism. Topics include scope of incredibly rich and diverse modern cultural ...
The relational character of engineering, as well as the principles of environmental, cultural, and social sustainability make possible new perspectives of the discipline. The aim of this study is the New European Bauhaus (NEB), based on its predecessor, the historical Bauha...
New European Bauhaus; circular economy; waste management; container garden; university; stakeholder engagement; sustainable production; sustainable consumption; EIT Food; community1. Introduction New European Bauhaus (NEB) is a transdisciplinary initiative aimed at connecting the European Green Deal to ...
WELL-beingThe processes of health building design issues overlap, like the complexity of architecture, technology, and protection of human well-being. It becomes necessary to use a holistic and empathized approach. They meet the concept of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) in terms of attention to...