(Wikipedia) * * * More From Our Advertisers In its bid for survival during the Depression, the luxury brand Packard introduced its first car under $1000, the 120. Sales more than tripled in 1935 and doubled again in 1936… …meanwhile, Hudson was hanging in there with innovations such ...
The decade would begin with a new crop of “talkie” stars that would signal a new era for Hollywood. Among the emerging stars was the young Gary Cooper… SHE LIKES THE SILENT TYPE…Mary Brian as Molly Wood and Gary Cooper as the Virginian in the Victor Fleming-directed film The Virginian...
Leaders 1354, a sneaker boutique located in Chicago, has been making some popular New Era caps last year. This year, they will be once again working with New Era to release a Nike “Agassi” Air Tech Challenge inspired 59fifty fitted cap. The hat will feature a colorway similar to the ...
The elegant look of brownstone was part of the attraction. “Brownstones were an architectural trompe l’oeil designed to give a faux sense of historic glamour,” wrote Osman. “In an era when stone was seen as more monumental than brick or wood, builders used sandstone as a cheap substitut...
[211] In Staten Island, it includes Fort Wadsworth, with historic pre-Civil War era Battery Weed and Fort Tompkins, and Great Kills Park.[212] 【参考译文】门户国家休闲区占地超过26,000英亩(110平方公里),其中大部分位于纽约市。[210]在布鲁克林区和皇后区,该公园拥有9,000多英亩(36平方公里)的盐沼...
An Overview and Critique of US Immigration and Asylum Policies in the Trump Era, By Paul Wickham Schmidt Georgetown Law WISHIN’ & HOPIN’ WON’T MAKE IT SO: THE LAW IS NO LONGER SUPREME IN AMERICA — Obviously, Trump Has Placed Himself Above It, With Little Pushback From Congress Or A...
Another Present Era, by Elaine Perry (1990) 10 May 2024 Harlem native Michael A. Gonzales has been on the trail of neglected Black writers for a number of years, first with his feature The Blacklist for Catapault and now with CrimeReads. More recently, he was instrumental in getting the...
“Single digit” OM manual focus SLRs are some of the most beautiful and rewarding cameras of the film era – but some models are specially desirable: OM-2 – it’s really two cameras in one – set it to manual, and you could believe you’re shooting with a semi automatic OM-1; pus...
@cybershow to follow up. If you think about the great tech companies produced by Silicon Valley in the pre-Big Tech era, they were either founded or had key early contributors who grew up in an era where morals and ethics were valued. People like Bill Hewlett, Dave Packard, Gordon Moore...
It is followed by a playful, brief scherzo-like movement followed by a lovely, sometimes mournful adagio and a truly fun last movement deriving inspiration from tango music but still firmly ensconced in classical traditions going back to the classical era of Mozart and Haydn. ...