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I didn’t quite buy the romantic element and not because he is at least twenty years older than she. He is suave and charming, and she is so strait-laced that the romance doesn’t work. The film would have been better as a buddy film with a male and a female buddy. Supporting ...
Religions 2019, 10, 122 3 of 11 women in antiquity.5 Change is afoot, though, since in the twenty-first century, men have begun to join women in the study of ancient women. Our brief overview of scholarship on women in Israelite religion looks at the 1970s and beyond, the decades in...
Science fiction’s so-called New Wave era began in approximately 1964. Writing in 2003 about that “cusp” year, Michael Moorcock noted: “It will [soon] be 40 years since JG Ballard published The Terminal Beach, Brian Aldiss published Greybeard, William Burroughs published Naked Lunch in the...
Conductor Tango had already proven in the previous year that you do not necessarily have to be twenty years old and Hungarian in order to understand new Hungarian music. There are keys to every new art. These are talent, an unhesitating capacity to absorb new things and tech- nical ability...
Therapeutic strategies to block TGFβ signaling in advanced cancers by inhibitory antibodies or fusion proteins have been the focus of several clinical investigations, and some of them involve patients with metastatic TNBC (mTNBC) [9,10,11]. Thus, investigations combining TGFβ pathway inhibitors ...
49. Floored Genius: The Best of Julian Cole & The Teardrop Explodes 1979-91(Island, 1992) 48. Ten Bloody Marys & Ten How’s Your Fathers – Elvis Costello & The Attractions(F-Beat, 1980) 47. The Great Twenty-Eight – Chuck Berry...