Sunday Mirror (London, England)
burningequipment. Astofuel,improvementinqualityoffuelisadvanced,especiallyfordieselengines.Ithasbeen resolvedthatsulfurcontentingasoilshouldbereducedto50ppmorless,andwaystolower sulfurstillmoreinthefuturearebeingdiscussed. Againstthisbackground,asonesolutionintermsoffuel,therearestrongdemandsforthe developmentof...
New eco-energy: most people associate oil and gas with running of cars and other methods of transport. However, many people are not aware that the burning of oil and other fuels is mostly used for electricity, and heating.(let's change) ...
This new oil is formulated with approximately 60% fewer of the metallic components contained in many conventional high-performance engine oils. Its new lubricant technology can extend cleaning intervals by a factor of up to 2.5 and reduce fuel consumption by up to 3% over the filter life. Strict...
January 3, 2023 Somebody is revving up the hyprogen engine again, mostly because the oil and gas sector is taking another PR beating (price gouging, climate change, pipeline leaks, fugitive emissions are all in the news). However, some other folks are also waking up to the hydrogen PR mir...
the fire that we shar the fireplaces are bi the fires are burning the first a motorcycl the first ah the first carrier the first chemical el the first eye cell in the first frost the first garden the first grader the first impressions the first line of the the first marathon ru the fir...
The clean-burning standards are designed to reduce nitrous oxide (NOx), nonmethane hydrocarbons and particu-lates in the atmosphere. The agency has several levels of emission standards. Called Tier 1 through Tier 4, the standards, which apply to new engines, become more stringent. 展开 ...
Astron aerospace has shown a partial prototype of a new rotary combustion engine it claims runs at an extraordinary 60% thermal efficiency, burning totally clean with zero NOx emissions and nothing but fresh water out of the tailpipe.
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) --New Jerseylegislators were considering a bill that would banconstruction of new power plants that burn natural gas or other fossil fuels. But on Monday, they added a loophole big enough to drive a fleet of oil trucks through. ...
…major exhibitions at the Grand Central Palace changed like the seasons, the National Automobile Show ceding to the National Motor Boat & Engine Show… …if you’d rather have someone else do the sailing, the Bermuda line could take you on a round-trip cruise for as little as $60… …...