Even if an account was closed a long time ago, you cannot create a new account using the old email address. If you cannot create a new Microsoft account, try one of these alternate options: Create your new account using an alternative sign-up method, such as an email address instead of...
Addresses used for Microsoft accounts cannot be not reused. Even if an account was closed a long time ago, you cannot create a new account using the old email address. If you're creating an account for a child, a parent or guardian will also need to sign in to finish s...
Looks as if Microsoft doesn't want me as a customer. But any help would be appreciated. B. Butler BuckB1675 It sounds frustrating to go through the verification puzzles multiple times without successfully creating a new OneDrive account. This problem is usually due to one of several factors, ...
Steps: Set up business email with a new domainFrom the How you'll sign in page on the Microsoft 365 Business Standard sign up, choose Create a new business email account (advanced). Follow the steps to buy a new domain and enter the domain name you want to use (like contoso.com). ...
Click [Sign in with a Microsoft account instead]③. Type the email, phone number, or Skype account to sign-in that you use for other Microsoft services (such Outlook, Office, etc.)④.If you don’t have a Microsoft account yet, please select [Create one!]⑤. Please type your email ad...
When I create a new Outlook account, do I not need a mobile phone number or other email verification? How secure is this account? Will it be stolen or locked? I need to take these into account because of the privacy of sending and receiving emails. Thank you!
Bug fix Updates to electronic address fields on the Account table (email, phone, fax) should update the primary electronic address in the msdyn_partyelectronicaddress table. General availability Bug fix Updates to electronic address fields on the Contact table (email, phone, fax) should update...
To use the Exchange Management Shell to create a new mail-enabled user Run the following command: New-MailUser -Name Ted -FirstName Ted -LastName Bremer -ExternalEmailAddress ted@tailspintoys.com -UserPrincipalName ted@contoso.com -OrganizationalUnit contoso.com ...
Email templates are a fast and easy way to send repetitive and recurring emails to multiple customers. They help save time and provide a way to create consistent, professional, preformatted email messages that can be used when communicating with customers. You ...