Gene-set enrichment analysis (GSEA) of pre-ranked SKAT P-values, was performed on gene sets catalogued by the MSigDB v4.0 database (updated 31 May 2013) using GSEA software27 adopting default settings. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) r2 metrics were estimated from UK10K whole-genome data. To ...
On the Moroccan tsunami catalogue. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 9: 1227–1236. Article Google Scholar Kain, C., C. Gomez, P. Wassmer, F. Lavigne, and H. Hart. 2014. Truncated dunes as evidence of the 2004 tsunami in North Sumatra and environmental recovery post-tsunami. ...
There is no similar registry for agents for behavioral and cognitive symptoms of AD in the nonclinical phases of development, and the catalogue of agents in this stage is no doubt flawed. The principles of drug development applicable across development programs are emphasized....
are also available from EGA (accession no.:EGAD00001005736). MSigDB gene sets are available online ( and integrated in FUMA ( Code availability The code used to perform the analyses is available at
Forbes, S.A. et al. The Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC).Curr. Protoc. Hum. Genet.Chapter 10, Unit 10.11 (2008). Gao, J. et al. Integrative analysis of complex cancer genomics and clinical profiles using the cBioPortal.Sci. Signal.6, pl1 (2013). ...
Davis 1893: Catalogue of the Butterflies of Staten Island, New York Journal of the New York Entomological Society 1(1): 43-48 Reasenberg, J.R. 1968: New artinite find on Staten Island, New York Rocks and Minerals 43(9): 643-647 Monachino, J. 1945: Jussiaea Uruguayensis in Staten ...
coefficient and sliding friction torque coefficient can be expressed by the following equation: Grr = R1·dm1.96·Fr0.54 Gsl = S1 ·dm −0.26 ·Fr 5 3 (12) In Equation (12), R1 and S1 are bearing-related geometric constants which can be obtained by referring to the bearing catalogue. ...
CATALOGUE A b stra ct (C h ine se) 1 A b s trac t (E ng l ish ) 2 P refac e 1 C hap ter 1 G en era l v iew ov er rea l es ta te reg is tra t ion sy stem 2 1 . 1 C h in ese rea l estate reg istrat ion sy stem 2 1 . 1 . 1 Subjec t of reg is...
CATALOGUE A b stra ct (C h ine se) 1 A b s trac t (E ng l ish ) 2 P refac e 1 C hap ter 1 G en era l v iew ov er rea l es ta te reg is tra t ion sy stem 2 1 . 1 C h in ese rea l estate reg istrat ion sy stem 2 1 . 1 . 1 Subjec t of reg is...
While outburst phenomena have been catalogued (Fornasier et al.2018), there remains little understanding of how the (dominant) quasi-continuous activity proceeds. It is this topic above all that has been the subject of most frustration within the Rosetta community. ...