Аннотация–Внастоящеевремяпроисходитповсеместнаяцифровизация, всвязисэтим, всёболеепопулярнойстановитсятехнология Blockchain. Даннаятехнологи...
One of the main challenge being lack of expertise in the development of blockchain-based applications, which are better known as decentralized applications or DApps. There are only a handful of developers, who are proficient in the technology and given the demand, they tend to charge a lot for...
Skills such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML),Robotics, Data Science, Blockchain, Fullstack web development, and Cyber Security are in great demand, and majorIT companieslike Microsoft, Meta, Google, and Netflix are willing to pay a 300% raise to graduates who complete t...
The textile industry is a traditional dominant industry in China and an industry with new advantages in international competition. Under the new trend of the new generation of information technology, such as block chain technology and the new trend of changing the structure of production factors, Ch...
Bitkub Blockchain Technology Co., Ltd., the developer of Bitkub Chain and a leading provider of blockchain solutions in Thailand, reveals its development roadmap and launches new-era blockchain solutions for businesses and the government sector at BITKUB SUMMIT 2024. ...
When we use blockchain technology, it should be possible to achieve a functional or economic added value that we can’t achieve with conventional central IT systems. The key is the level of trust in the various business partners along the value chain. Or the effort that has to be ...
The Velocity Network Foundation will establish a common framework, promote global adoption, and support research and development of applications and services to ensure objectivity. Blockchain in finance Blockchain technology can be used to streamline accounting processes and banking services. For example...
Technology and other units believe that the technology related to the "Smart Cloud Digital Trading Service Platform Based on Blockchain Technology" project has independent intellectual property rights and has reached an advanced level in the application of blockchain based e-commerce industry, Agree to...
Lisk, the Blockchain platform enters a new development phase where they will reach full-scale interoperability and expand into DeFi in 2022. They recently announced the launch of DEX and are working towards Lisk Diamond, the ultimate phase of their inter
In these circumstances, blockchain technology opens important avenues to make efficient and fair use of data. In a broader sense, this technology is also referred to as a "decentralized ledger," which can involve a large number of unspecified people to contribute to the effective and fair use ...