Ullyses S. Grant promoted to general of the armies in new defense spending billOn Friday, President Biden signed a measure authorizing a record $858 billion for the Pentagon. The National Defense Authorization Act includes pay raises for service members, funding for ships, tanks and aircraft...
The new defense authorization bill passed by Congress mandates the Defense Department "modernize" its lengthy requirements process, with an interim report due to lawmakers by Oct. 1, 2024 that could include seismic reforms to the Pentagon's labyrinthine acquisition system.The provision, based off ...
Citing the ongoing pricing controversy with Pentagon contractor TransDigm, House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) has drafted a bill based off a Defense Department legislative proposal that would require contractors provide more cost information to the federal government. ...
and in light of recent pledges, Japan's Ministry of Defense (MOD) has outlined a shopping list of next-generation military hardware that is perhaps not befitting of a country which, ostensibly, has no military forces as recognized by its own constitution, albeit for the time being. ...
WHITE SMOKE — Congressional appropriators released the final six-bill, $1.2 trillion, 1,012-page federal spending bill for fiscal 2024 shortly before 3 a.m. Reminder: Large parts of the government will shut down at midnight Friday if it’s not passed. Read the bill...
P.S. In Zakaria’s defense, he hasdefended free tradeandopposed protectionism. Another Member of the Bureaucrat Hall of Fame Posted inBureaucracy,Bureaucrats,New York,Waste, taggedBureaucracy,Bureaucrats,Government waste,New Yorkon September 18, 2024|Leave a Comment » ...
Department of Defense early Monday morning and then landed the first stage of its rocket back on solid ground. Going to work with mom: Shanghai's new approach to baby-sitting Aged just two and a half, Wu Rui follows her mother to work every morning, joining her peers in day care while...
Shanti Sethi New Defense Advisor to Smt. Kamala Harris (Vice President of USA) Ajay Sood New Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India Emmanuel Macron President of France Vishwas Patel Chairman of Payments Council of India (PCI) Dr. S Raju Director-General of the Geological Survey...
BEIJING, January 22 (TMTPost)-- A new U.S. bill is going to ban the Defense Department from purchases of batteries made major Chinese companies including top two electric vehicle (EV) battery makers--Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd. (CATL) and BYD Co. ...