Bringing a modern and elegant design language to elevate Comcast’s suite of products. Design Language Product Interface SOLATO Crafting fresh single-serve gelato as simple, swift and delightful as brewing the perfect shot of espresso. Product Interaction Engineering Google Ara Ara unlocked a new wor...
Interiors,Lighting,Product Design The wearable that’s designed to prevent sexual assault New Deal Design’s (the studio behind the design of the Fitbit) next ambitious project takes another step towards uplifting human life. The Buzz wearable attempts… ...
Strategic Technology Design Studio founded by Gadi Amit. We think nimbly and act wisely to do good work.
NewDealDesign is an award-winning strategic technology design agency based in San Francisco. Fast Company’s #1 Most Innovative Design Company in 2016, our multidisciplinary team unites people, culture and technology to build successful digital and physical experiences for the world’s top brands and...
New Deal Design工作室推出可视化开关系统 开关系统可视化工作室开关位置亮度传统开关存在开关小好找,开灯之后亮度过高,双眼很容易受到刺激,令人不适等弊痫.为了更好地解决这些痛点,NewDealDesignq工作室设计了款可视化开关系统,不但能够一眼看见开关位置,还能可视化调节亮度.家电科技...
因此,NewDealDesign 认为,你会在汽车上享受许多服务。比如,小型无人机可以把快餐送到车上,省去了你找饭店的时间;自动驾驶的公交车能与你的汽车对接,提供各种生活用品;大量公交车可以聚在一起,形成一个流动村落。 从某种程度上来说,NewDealDesign 将自动驾驶汽车视为一个由消费者与商家组成的网络。Amit 认为,这...
NewDealDesign 设计了一款基于 AI 的玩具 Spot,让孩子们愿意重新跑出门,爱上和大自然互动。其实是这一款手持扫描仪,里面嵌入了 3D 摄像头和微型投影仪。孩子们可以像小记者拿麦克风一样拿起它,指向一路遇到的不同的小生物。Spot 内置的人工智能软件将识别生物,识别成功后就会闪烁并振动,并通过嵌入式扬声器,像小动...
从某种程度上来说,NewDealDesign 将自动驾驶汽车视为一个由消费者与商家组成的网络。Amit 认为,这有可能“完全重组房地产市场”,因为地产位置将不再重要。“如果按照更加科幻的方向设想,另一种可能性就是,高速公路上出现移动的社区,” 他说,“ 因为这些自动房车会选择一条道路,缓慢行驶,然后,你会看到一场大聚会...
New Deal Design 公司 UnderSkin:未来就在你的皮肤之下 一切都在正文中 廖港凯 2014-10-21 17:46 0 11 公司 Project Ara 被忽视的几个方面,你注意到了吗? 一切都在正文中 积木 2014-04-24 08:37 0 30 加载更多 爱范儿,关注明日产品的数字潮牌 爱范儿 AppSo 董车会 知晓程序 ...
CNew Deal Design, one of the world's leading tech design studios, hasinvented an artificial intelligence-equipped toy to fight the "distractioneconomy" by developing children's attention spans.Called Spot, the toy is aimed at learning and discovery. It functionsprimarily as a handheld scanner tha...