New-CsXmppAllowedPartner -Domain <String> [-AdditionalDomains <PSListModifier>] [-Confirm] [-ConnectionLimit <UInt32>] [-Description <String>] [-EnableKeepAlive <Boolean>] [-Force] [-InMemory] [-PartnerType <PartnerType>] [-ProxyFqdn <String>] [-SaslNegotiation <SaslNegotiation>] [-Support...
-Identity "" 展开表 Type: XdsIdentity Position: 2 Default value: None Required: True Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Lync Server 2010, Lync Server 2013, Skype for Business Server 2015, Skype for Business Se...
Backup-CsPool Clear-CsDeviceUpdateFile Clear-CsDeviceUpdateLog Clear-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberReservation Clear-CsPersistentChatRoom Convert-CsUserData ConvertTo-JsonForPSWS Copy-CsVoicePolicy Debug-CsAddressBookReplication Debug-CsDataConference Debug-CsInterPoolReplication Debug-CsIntraPoolReplication Debug-CsLis...
New-CsWebTrustedCACertificate -Thumbprint <String> -CAStore <CAStore> [<CommonParameters>]DescriptionWeb Services configuration settings are used to help manage Skype for Business Server Web servers and Web Services. Among the property values that can be managed using these settings is the TrustedCACe...
New-CsConferencingPolicy [-Tenant <System.Guid>] [-AllowIPAudio <Boolean>] [-AllowIPVideo <Boolean>] [-AllowMultiView <Boolean>] [-Description <String>] [-AllowParticipantControl <Boolean>] [-AllowAnnotations <Boolean>] [-DisablePowerPointAnnotations <Boolean>] [-AllowUserToScheduleMeetingsWith...
New-CsRgsWorkflow -Parent -Name "Help Desk" -PrimaryUri "" Example 1 creates a new workflow on the service This workflow is given the Name Help Desk and is assigned a...
CS:GO PATCH NOTES 03/05/2022 This patch introduces the viewer pass and the pick’em challenge for the Antwerp 2022 Major. While there are no significant changes to the game itself, some maps have received some minor tweaks. Here’s the full patch notes: ...
The "master" branch is only meant to host stable releases. The "dev" branch is the one where all contributions are merged. If you want to propose a patch, please commit into "dev" branch or dedicated feature branch. Direct commit to "master" are not permitted....
The operation flag for the csops call is 12 (CS_OPS_CLEARINSTALLER), which re-enables SIP checks by clearing codesigning flags, specifically the CS_EXEC_INHERIT_SIP flag: Figure 1. drop_sip’s functionality is to change the code signing flags and execute a child process F...
Keyword: sgd Signal Processing Meets SGD: From Momentum to Filter Authors: Authors: Zhipeng Yao, Guisong Chang, Jiaqi Zhang, Qi Zhang, Yu Zhang, Dazhou Li Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Signal Processing (eess.SP) Arxiv link: https:...