Budagov, JChirikov-Zorin, IChokheli, DKolomoets, VLyablin, MPukhov, OSissakian, ABellettini, GCervelli, FElsevier B.V.Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics ResearchA. Artikov et al. (CDF-II Collab.), “Design and construction of new central and forward muon counters for CDF-II,”...
evidence for increased activity of the nadph oxidase philip b. paty, ronald w. graeff, stephenj. mathes, thomas k. hunt biologic priming of neutrophils in subcutaneous wounds. philip b. paty, ronald w. graeff, frederic m. waldman, thomas k. hunt, stephen j. mathes the construction of a ...
The FAA has not announced a date when its new rule will take effect but the union said it must be done “within two years.” “[E]nsuring that no terrorist — domestic or international — breaches another aircraft flight deck door again should be one of this nation’s h...
In this time, she said one of the largest grievances discovered among foster parents and case workers was difficulty keeping track of the numerous documents required for the system. She said the app was a “one-stop-shop” of sorts for its users. It tracks and documents everything from dai...
Is he/she undergoing a process of identity construction and negotiation in relation to both the religious home and the religious host? Does he/she take political action in a diasporic manner, or does he/she support such actions? Does he/she succeed in joining people together in order to foll...
Seven industry dummies were created based on the main SIC division group: (1) manufacturing; (2) mining; (3) transportation, communications, electric, gas, and sanitary services; (4) construction; (5) services; (6) wholesale trade; and (7) retail trade. However, in the end, considering ...
relation to existing text summarization techniques. The graph representation can also be successfully used to classify text [14]. During the construction of the graph, homogeneous text graphs with word nodes are created, causing the learning system to be able to make inferences about new documents ...
The Hill Country Alliance (HCA) announced Wednesday it had selected the winners of a photo contest recording the beauty of the area.