A randomized controlled trial using patient navigation to increase colonoscopy screening among low-income minorities. Eighty-six percent of navigated patients had an excellent or very good colon prep; however, there was no difference in prep quality between groups (p=... J Christie,S Itzkowitz,I ...
New colonoscopy prepping guidelines released. Multi-society recommendations raise performance measures.Herrin Publishing Partners
A colonoscopy is performed using a flexible, long tube that has a camera attached at one end. The procedure lasts between 30 to 60 minutes and is repeated every 10 years if patients are not at an increased risk for colorectal cancer. As with other tests, a colonoscopy comes with its own ...
At-home testing might be a good choice if you can't get time off work for thecolonoscopy prepand procedure, if you fear sedation, or if you have medical problems that put you at higher risk of complications from sedatives or anesthetic drugs. Studies show that having the option of home ...
controlled study.A single research hospital.Patients undergoing elective colonoscopy.A total of 120 patients were randomized to 1 of 3 different preparation regimens: 39 patients were prepared with a conventional volume (4 L) of PEG-ELS (Preparation [Prep] 1), and the remaining patients were prep...
A Segmental Bowel Prep Scale for a Screening Colonoscopy and a New Reporting System: 1522doi:10.14309/00000434-201510001-01522Vijaypal AryaShashank AgarwalAshok ValluriShikha SinghKalpana Arya GuptaThe American Journal of Gastroenterology
doi:10.1016/S1590-8658(11)60156-4P. Cesaro and C. Spada and L. Petruzziello and I. Juriens and J. Rigaux and K.A. Yassin and J. Lachter and Y. Chowers and R. Eliakim and J.M. Deviere and G. CostamagnaDigestive and Liver Disease...