The iconic tale of The Little Match Girl returns to New York City on its new date – Friday, April 8, 2022 (originally slated for January 22, but postponed due to COVID), in a special concert presentation presented by Oxygen Media and Emma Wang in association with Nava Wang. It will b...
Originally starting out with standards, Jeff & the ETA 4tet band gradually expanded their sound into lengthy compositions & jams.In 2023 they recorded one of their sets not knowing that ETA would soon face a similar fate as Chicago’s Rodan & shut its doors. Anna Butterss leads a lot of...
here’s how Klein describes it: “Over the course of a two-hour discussion, Bing revealed its shadow personality, named Sydney, mused over its repressed desire to steal nuclear codes and hack security systems, and
Bad Bunny is clearly on a new level. On his new album 'Nadie Sabe Lo Que Va a Pasar Mañana,' released Oct. 13, Benito declares that he's in his prime and is not slowing down when it comes to experimentation, vulnerability or big-name collaborators.
Release Date: Friday, July 15 AfterBTSannounced their hiatus last month, beloved member J-Hope followed the shocking news with his own major announcement: the release of his new solo album,Jack In The Box, out July 15. His first album singl...
While the typical Kiwi dinner is meat and two vegetables, dining out is more adventurous. Here, you will find the quirky, funky, and cool places to eat in Auckland, updated for 2024. Now that we are focusing our travel locally, we have plenty of opportunities to discover unique restaurants...
For anyone unaccustomed to the idea of a mass with 12-bar-blues sequences and “funky riffs” (as described in the excellent notes by Ralph Woodward), the spirit of the performers certainly helped sell it. Thankfully the settings of “crucifixus” and “et sepultus est” reflected more ...
On day 1 of this tour, players finish a race in RMX Ghost Valley 1R in the Funky Kong Cup using Dixie Kong for a free pipe launch. Starting from day 2, players have to finish a race in the earliest incomplete course that is not in any of the ranked cups using the driver shown on...
New Brunches in Dubai: November 2024 Mi Amie Credit: Mi Amie Why wait for Friday to party? Mi Amie’s Thursday night brunch, hosted by the legends at Secret Parties, is where the weekend officially begins. With endless food, flowing drinks, and electric live entertainment, it’s the ultim...
it becomes clear that these two misfits have a lot in common: big dreams, an unflappable will, and humble origins. Elizabeth's background is implied, but her Irish accent and ferocity speak of a woman who spent her youth scraping by in a New York that tried to shake her off like a ...