…on to our cartoons, we have Otto Soglow’s Little King engaging in some sport of his own… …Alan Dunn showed us a meter reader who probably needed to come up for some fresh air… …William Crawford Galbraith gave us a sugar daddy without a clue… …E. McNerney showed us another ...
peptides corresponding to defined parts of different repetitive domains in HRNR forP. aeruginosa-cidal activity were studied. All these cationic HRNR-peptides and variants are rich in the disorder-promoting AAs Gly, Ser, Gln, His and Arg (Supplementary...
1a). In fact, some pathogenic mutations in α-synuclein increase their affinity for LAMP-2A and act as uptake blockers, inhibiting both their own autophagy-dependent clearance and that of other CMA substrates. These studies provide another potential clue to the correlation of toxic gain of ...
In the second headline about the Fitzpatrick murder in the Lowell Daily News, the last line reads,“Father and Cousin of Dead Man Go After the Body.” It’s a clue to the next awful thing to happen to my Lowell, MA ancestral folks. I’ll share the fresh bad news with you in my ...
In addition to the precipitous decline in wildlife populations the report’s data point to other warning signs about the overall health of the planet. The amount of carbon in our atmosphere has risen to levels not seen in more than a million years, triggering climate change that...
To make a significant impact, authorities need to force millions of farmers to switch to irrigation methods that are more efficie2n.1t..2.ItNieswclUeparpetrhEagtyopntlPyrocjoecutntries with heavy rainfalls are able to provide the luxury of flood iTrhriegaptrioojenc,twtohricechlaisimnotht eav...