is the most complete free car buying guide on the internet. We offer both new and used car buying tips as well as tips on all related topics. Learn to get great deals on car insurance, extended warranties, auto financing and more!
Each week, I'll keep you up-to-date on the latest car deals and news that might affect your purchase. This includes... Best Rebates, Incentives, and Lease Deals Latest Car Buying Scams and Tricks The Best & Worst Time to Buy a Car Which Cars You Should Avoid (Absolutely NO SPAM, ea...
Like always, never be too impatient for goods you are buying. It is always good to see the goods before you buy them especially on classifieds site. Most sellers who try to put psychological pressure on you will most likely try to scam you. Conclusion You should always be alert when you ...
In this day and age, when you can easily comparison shop and purchase just about anything online, the process of buying a new car seems so outdated. Many wonder why we can't simply buy most new cars online through the manufacturer (with the exception of Tesla and a handful of new EV b...
"I have a situation..a unique one that you can probably related...about one year ago I started reading/buying your material..and I have to say my sex life has sky rocketed...and i have so many numbers and so many prospects...that is pretty crazy..thanks to your material...but...
Avoid Scams in the Finance Office Take Delivery(Bonus Section) We Owes / Due Bills Buyers Remorse Extras No matter what your level of "expertise," I'd recommend reading about the7 types of car buyeras this will help you to establish a solid understanding of the car buying game - who win...
AL 35121. P) 205.274.7327. F) 205.274.7323. Click on the links below for resources you might find helpful. Free info on buying new and used cars, leasing, and avoiding auto scams. See the history of the car you are considering (VIN required). Consumer information experts. Easily run...
To protect yourself from these scams, never give personal information to unvetted agencies or over the phone, e-mail, or text. Additionally, never use P2P payment options when buying from an unknown vendor, stick to vetted checkout processes instead. #24. Health care (including Medicaid and Me...
To protect yourself from these scams, never give personal information to unvetted agencies or over the phone, e-mail, or text. Additionally, never use P2P payment options when buying from an unknown vendor, stick to vetted checkout processes instead. ...
Police spokesperson Sgt. Daesha Hughes said that Shawntell Rena Romero wrote a fake check to purchase three vehicles worth $100K from a local dealership. When the dealership went to process the check, it was returned as fraud. Woman scams New Iberia car dealership of $100K