Old man, “That’s enough study!” turns lights off straight away Me: turn on, he: turn off, ‘til he rips fuses from the meter box Same each night, did my best, per the two-hour exam clocks. So finished school, ran away, new town to make my own way Decades later, old man’...
Bingo. All new builds around me are $500k to $700k. Average family income is $72k thus they cannot afford one of these new homes. There is almost nothing under $300k which would be considered a starter home. Heck, inventory is at an all time low. 1754 for a metro of 2.2 million...
What's under that secondary board that's installed in what looks similar to a laptop memory module slot? Logged TurboTom Super Contributor Posts: 1461 Country: Re: Rigol Just Launch It's New Function Generator and DMM: DG800Pro / 900Pro / DM858 « Reply #103 on: March 26,...
This is a big year for milestones for me and my company, Point A to Point B Transitions Inc. I founded my company in 2010, so this year I have been in business for 15 years. For some reason, this seems like a big milestone. I can’t believe I have been working in this business...
The company formerly known as Fujitsu-Siemens builds quite solid notebooks and desktops for enterprise use. I did buy a very performant Lifebook for 400€, equipped with a new 256GB SSD disk. And I recommend using an external keyboard at home, if you like to avoid keyboard replacements. Kos...
etc. So to take one example on the old CP tree the passive for increased quality of items in treasure chests was 75 into one of the green trees, a tree that I had little use for on many magcika builds, so basically couldn't take it on a lot of builds, the new system solves tha...
Sales of new houses, in terms of the seasonally adjusted annual rate, had dropped six months in a row on a year-over-year basis, but in March they responded to lower prices and showed the first year-over-year increase, surpassing the strong March last year by 3.0%, with a rate of 69...