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September & October 2023 Book Releases Most of the big-name authors have new book releases in 2023 and September and October are the months you will find many of them in bookstores. That said, there is still a fabulous debut and a title or two from some lesser-known authors to this div...
A spiritual successor to the Dresden Files and some “uncanny” happenings give October’s most intriguing new fantasy releases some Halloween flavor. Here are our top picks for the best new fantasy books in October 2022. Dead Man’s Hand by James J. Butcher Type:Novel Publisher:Ace Release ...
If you’re new to Hide Your Wallet, this is where we list new releases we’re pretty excited for in the coming month. Each reviewer has a book maximum (five per person), and we’ve separated HYW into two parts. The first HYW of the month will cover books that release from the 1st...
Book of Nightby Holly Black (5/3) Tokyo Dreamingby Emiko Jean (5/31) What new releases are you most looking forward to in 2022? Share your links, and I’ll come check out your top 10! Share this: Twitter Loading... 2022 new releases,deanna raybourn,Emiko Jean,InCryptids,john scalzi...
“Rap World” (Film) “The People’s Joker” (Film) “The Zone Of Interest” (Film) The Perfect Women Present: “Faces of Radio” (Podcast) Blank Forms 09: Sound Signatures (Book) ce Boy) Categories: New Releases, Year End Lists Posted...
15| Kaikeyi by Vaishnavi Patel – Mythology New Fantasy Book APRIL 2022 Buy It Here 2022 is definitely a good year for unique fantasy lovers. Vaishnavi Patel is starting her writing career with a big bang, because this book will become a new favorite in no time. A proper modern mythologic...
UPCOMING BOOK RELEASES BOOKWORM STORE Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase Purchase WHAT KIND OF BOOKS ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? ___ Let me know if there are any other books you’re loving right now too!! LET’S STAY CONNECTED To get these lists sent...
October 30, 2022 / I’m bringing two book recommendations to you today – both of these are new releases off of my fall reading list. One is a climate fiction (what happens when Florida is no longer sustainable) and the other is one of my favorite genres, WWII historical fiction, but...
Past releases in the What's new archive Information about how Intune service updates are released注意 Each monthly update can take up to three days to roll out and will be in the following order: Day 1: Asia Pacific (APAC) Day 2: Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) Day 3: North Ameri...