R419,00 DuckTales: Remastered R159,00 SUPER BOMBERMAN R 2 R899,00 CONTRA: ROGUE CORPS R529,00+ Gargoyles Remastered R249,00 Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap R169,00 Blazing Chrome R289,00 ACA NEOGEO SUPER SIDEKICKS R135,92 Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons R345,07Browse...
- UN TOUT NOUVEAU DESIGN : Vivez l’expérience d’un remake fidèle et complet du jeu d’arcade original, avec de tout nouveaux graphismes redessinés, de nouvelles musiques, et d’une prise en main optimisée. - NOUVEAUX MODES : 2 modes sont au menu, le mode Arcade (Remake) et le...
Konami video game designer Noriaki Okamura has announced in Famitsu that the company has plans to reveal a newBombermangame soon. The tease was part of a annual feature regarding Japanese developers new year ambitions, which was published on the company’swebsite. It could be Super Bomberman R...
Eggman, Okami Amaterasu, Professor Layton, Phoenix Wright, Bomberman, Aiai... the sky's the limit. For first-parties, you've got Waluigi, Pauline, Toad/Toadette, any number of possible Zelda reps (Impa, Tetra / Toon Zelda, Ghirahim, Midna, Skull Kid, Tingle), a gen 7/8 Pokémon ...
Bombernauts is like Bomberman if it washed down a pack of Pro Plus with a case of Red Bull as it swings a baseball bat above its head while strapped to a jet pack: it’s self-indulgent online multiplayer carnage. Oh, and it’s also got customisable maps. Since July 31 last year, it...
- A BRANDNEW DESIGN: Experience a full and faithful remake of the arcade original game with new graphics, new sounds, and better control for an unprecedented experience - NEW MODES: 2 modes are at the menu, the arcade Mode (Remake) and an extended mode that will bring you a longer ...
Bombernauts is like Bomberman if it washed down a pack of Pro Plus with a case of Red Bull as it swings a baseball bat above its head while strapped to a jet pack: it’s self-indulgent online multiplayer carnage. Oh, and it’s also got customisable maps. Since July 31 last year, it...
That intro animation from the new and definitely not improved Bomberman kinda made me think of those animated series such as Power Puff Girls, Dexter's Lab and Samurai Jack, although these were actually more substantial and entertaining to watch. Well, at least the latter two, fo...
"I'm thrilled to have this opportunity to carry on the studio's storied legacy, beginning with the announcement that Firaxis is in development on the next iteration of the legendary Civilization franchise," said Hazen. "I'm lucky to be working with some of the best developers in ...
'- UM DESIGN TOTALMENTE NOVO: Experimenta uma nova versão completa e leal do jogo original de arcada com novos gráficos, novos sons e um controlo melhor para uma experiência sem precedentes. - NOVOS MODOS: Dois modos estão no menu, o modo de arcada (nova versão) e um modo...