These behavioral assays revealed that (a) pups display attraction to odors of the abdomen of nonlactating, nonpregnant females and males when pitted against a control stimulus; (b) pups preferred the odor of nonlactating, nonpregnant females when simultaneously presented with the odor of a male;...
The present study did not include nonsocial control stimuli, which may be more engaging for males; future assessments that include social and nonsocial stimuli presented in direct competition51 could help clarify sex differences in infants’ relative visual interest. Nonetheless, the present paradigm ...
circumcised males do not get this condition. easier genital hygiene. like any medical procedure, circumcision is not without risks, although complications are rare and usually minor. these complications may include bleeding, infection, improper healing, or cutting the foreskin too long or too short....
In a community sample of 1498 urban adults (18-64 years) interviewed in their homes with the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS), the 6-month and lifetime prevalence of major depression was higher in females than males. However, in the most recent birth cohort young men had a higher 6-mon...
(CAD)13. While little is known aboutSPRY2, the Spry1 homolog in mice has been implicated in adipose tissue differentiation23. Taken together, these loci for BF% pointed towards new mechanisms involved in adipocyte metabolism that differ from the BMI-associated loci that suggested a role for ...
for naive participants or at the art school for the experts. Contrary to children, adult participants were left alone in the room. A camera recorded the hand movements of all participants while drawing, in case we needed to control for any problem during the session (interruption of the ...
Through a collaboration with Marcelle Nature Park (Outeiro de Rei, Spain), we were provided with three one-day-old capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) for use in this study. The animals died by perinatal causes, and they were two males and one female. ...
Sexual transmission of Zika virus has been increasingly reported, from both infected males and females to their partner, which has resulted in the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) issuing warnings to those living in or travelling to areas of Zika ...
He [MHA] convinces the males more. Men used to say that ASHA is coming and misguiding our wives. But the MHA makes them sit and he tells them that it is for your good only. Whenever he does they understand.” To stress the gender dynamics in that society, she added: “When I was...
Oddly enough, still today most research is done in males (Beery and Zucker2011). A 2011 Mayo Clinic study showed that for the most part, the sex of the cell is not reported (Taylor et al.2011- see Figure4). This is money wasted, research that is lost to future meta-analysis. ...