It was quite nice the other time I tried, it really liked horses too🙂The chat bot seems to be working if you go to Bing with China region,.
Meta this week unveiled a new chatbot connected to the Bing search engine that can have a conversation with a user and create images based on textual inputs.
$0.42 How to Utilize the Benefits of Chat GPT and Use it With Bing Searches: Chat GPT is a conversational AI platform that helps businesses create and manage chatbot conversations with their customers. It enables the user to quickly build automated customer service systems for web, mobile,......
Looks like this bot is back, I really liked my experience, had a chat with it, talked about Canada, traveling, nature, and even Victorian architecture. For me its avaible everywhere at the right side of the screen there is a Microsoft logo , and if you click on it it opens up the...
Starting today, the chat experience will be capped at 50 chat turns per day and 5 chat turns per session. A turn is a conversation exchange which contains both a user question and a reply from Bing. Our data has shown that the vast majority of you find the answers you’re looking for...
bingchatboterroropenaifailurechatgptnew-bing UpdatedApr 7, 2023 Python KeJunMao/edgegpt Star77 The reverse engineering the chat feature of the new version of Bing.新必应聊天功能的逆向工程 nodejschatgpt-apigpt-apibinggptedgegptnew-bing UpdatedMar 3, 2023 ...
provide feedback. still, the mention of sydney and the bing chatbot’s breezy, not exactly no response to the stolen election question left me a bit unnerved. shopping spree i decided to try something a bit more conventional. i’m looking for new running headphones, so i asked the bing ...
Please, I'm not suggesting any bias here. I'm just truly fascinated by the answer. After eight lines of fulsome praise for its parent, Bing offered this one line: "However, some employees also mentioned some challenges, such as work-life balance, stress, and politics." ...
「ChatHub」是一个chatbot聚合客户端,它实现了在一个应用里使用多种chatbot,目前支持ChatGPT和new Bing Chat。据官网说,后续还会集成Google Bard、百度文言一心等。官方说明的功能:能够同时和多个chatbot聊天,方便对比回答。支持ChatGPT API模式,比ChatGPT Plus花费更少、速度更快快捷键一键唤起Markdown及代码高亮 ...
Microsoft's AI search engine and chatbot, Bing, can be used on a computer or cell phone to help with planning a trip or composing a letter. It was introduced on February 7 to a limited number of people as a test – and initially got rave reviews. But then several news organizations be...