Walk 30:Tower Gateway to Beckton DLR – (10.77 mi; 17.33 km) – Not a hugely interesting walk but I did get to finally see Balfron Tower and found where theTraffic Light Treehas been moved to (in front of Billingsgate Fish market) Walk 31:Stratford International to Woolwich Arsenal DLR ...
He served briefly in the Army as a boy bugler, then found work at Billingsgate fish market. In 1921, he was married. Kate was born the next year, followed by three brothers and sisters. Two died in infancy. 'It was pneumonia,' she says. 'A lot of them went like that then, did...
Billingsgate Fish Market 5.0 分 2条点评 街区/集市 直线距离5.1km B&M Store 折扣店 直线距离1.4km 查看全部 伦敦 London 景点所属目的地 热门推荐 重点推荐 目的地 景点 美食 购物 地标 行程 文章 问答 玩法 摩洛哥旅游菲律宾旅游马尼拉旅游卡里雷斯索珀斯旅游临潼旅游马德里旅游凤凰旅游热浪岛旅游长崎旅游...
Billingsgate Fish Market594 米 Nike Factory Store594 米 John Lewis & Partners818 米 金丝雀码头1.31公里 千禧巨蛋650 米 格林威治皇家天文台3.29公里 圣詹姆士宫9.23公里 伦敦塔桥4.9公里 伦敦塔4.94公里 多格斯岛区1.28公里 O2高空漫步体验活动819 米 Emirates Greenwich Peninsula terminal1.16公里 加拿大广场一号1.0...