‘The most New Balance shoe ever’ says it all, right? No, actually. The 574 might be our unlikeliest icon. The 574 was built to be a reliable shoe that could do a lot of different things well rather than as a platform for revolutionary technology, or as a premium materials showcase....
‘The most New Balance shoe ever’ says it all, right? No, actually. The 574 might be our unlikeliest icon. The 574 was built to be a reliable shoe that could do a lot of different things well rather than as a platform for revolutionary technology, or as a premium materials showcase....
首先是今天的主角[商品:New Balance Men's 574 Classics Running Shoe]也就是国内的574三原色灰 [商品:New Balance NB男鞋 女鞋情侣新款复古跑步鞋三原色ML574 ML574VG/元祖灰 38]我是美亚买的,有八折码,加转运350不到,国内即使有货也要619。这就是海淘党不断壮大的原因吧 。 因为是很早买的,鞋盒找不到了,...
New Balance 574 黑五 迟到的开箱晒单 收到574已经好久了,lz的拖延症晚期已经没救了,现在天气热了,打算开始穿它了,所以现在才来晒单。请大家见谅哈。 黑五的时候看到美亚上574的10码2E的鞋子,所以就下单了。目前价格还是56.97美刀。 美国亚马逊 New Balance Men\'s 574 Classics Running Shoe ¥56.97美 去购买...
于是想考虑买双运动鞋穿穿,当然国内的不考虑了,想来想去,还是先入个简单点的,大街上穿着的比较多的入手,平时LZ不是那种很潮流的人,基本不会打扮自己,有天逛ZDM的时候见到New Balance Men's 574 Classics Running Shoe这款鞋,,看着挺漂亮,于是决定入手,由于之前已经掌握了如何海淘,如何转运,这些都不难,顺利...
于是乎,同事再次委托我再下一单,正巧美亚女鞋满百8折,就下了一单[商品:New Balance Women's WL574 Core Pack Running Shoe][商品:New Balance Women's WL574 Pop safari Pack Running Shoe] 考虑女娃还在高中 ,脚还是有空间滴,让我买了6码,根据俺买了N双NB的经验,NB的鞋码还是很正的,NIKE、AD穿US多大...
[商品:New Balance Men's ML574 Out East Collection Classic Running Shoe] 唯一值得庆幸的是,当初跟基友凑单,满150包了邮~。订单在此: 总结一下这双鞋的优缺点: 优点:1.配色~~~ 2. 还是配色~~~ 3.574的鞋型实在是经典,这是第二双574了,虽然被很多朋友喷574是NB中的屌丝款,但我还是会义无反顾的买下...
美国亚马逊 New Balance Men's ML574 Camper Pack Running Shoe历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名New Balance Men's ML574 Camper Pack Running Shoe,Green/Orange,10.5 D US
New Balance Men's ML574 Passport Running Shoe 新百伦男士经典跑鞋,图片色款。此系列以航空旅行为设计理念,配色灵感来自于20世纪40年代的航空公司,将旅行者使用的PU背包作为复古元素,优质织布混纺鞋面保证透气性,logo为皮革材质。搭载聚氨酯中底,另有超防滑耐磨的橡胶外底,同时融入新百伦旗下多项专利科技。
‘The most New Balance shoe ever’ says it all, right? No, actually. The 574 might be our unlikeliest icon. The 574 was built to be a reliable shoe that could do a lot of different things well rather than as a platform for revolutionary technology, or as a premium materials showcase....