Even though the employment of new technologies such as nanocarriers can lead to higher production costs, the need for a lower drug dose that nanosystems allows could balance these costs. In addition, the ultrasonication technology explored in this work for the production of LBN-CQ is easily ...
The objective of this work was to develop a chitosan/agar-agar bioplastic film incorporated with bacteriocin that presents active potential when used as food packaging. The formulation of the film solution was determined from an experimental design, thro
Paraguay Tierradeoportunidades InformacionesGenerales Paraguay,enelCentrodeAmérica delSur. Equatorline GreenwichMeridian +4+30+1+2 CancerTropic CapricornTropic DatosGenerales Área(km2):406.752 Idiomasoficiales:EspañolyGuaraní Moneda:Guaraní Población6.230.143 ...