This new format is imperfect ... just like every Wild Card format before it. But if the extra day or two that top division winners have off in this format versus the previous format is such an issue, there is a very easy solution: At the conclusion of the regular season, the top two...
This is the highest vote for the National Party in 60 years. The Labour Party, led by Phil Goff, secured only 34 seats in the 121-seat parliament. Polling for Labour early in the campaign reached 34 per cent before settling at around 29 per cent.Jo Coghlan...
地点: Nelson, New Zealand 链接: 冠军 前三 所有 各选手 纪录 打乱 项目选手最好平均地区详情 三阶 Lucas O'Connell 8.03 8.61 意大利 8.03 15.13 8.97 8.57 8.29 二阶 Alexander Vujcich 2.27 2.58 新西兰 2.27 2.39 5.42 3.01 2.35 四阶 Ben Kirby 27.62 NR 29.46 新西兰 29.55 29.61 29.23 33.68 27.62...
地點:Auckland, New Zealand 鏈接: 冠軍前三所有各選手紀錄 項目選手最好平均地區詳情 3x3x3方塊Angelu Cayanan12.6113.48紐西蘭 13.19 13.41 14.78 12.61 13.83 2x2x2方塊Aneurin Hunt3.163.88紐西蘭 5.40 3.90 3.40 3.16 4.34 4x4x4方塊Alex AsberyNR46.08NR52.30紐西蘭 ...
日期:2014-12-07 地點:Hamilton, New Zealand 鏈接: 冠軍前三所有各選手紀錄打亂 項目選手最好平均地區詳情 3x3x3方塊Anson Lin7.40NR8.34中國 7.40 8.46 8.80 7.77 11.44 2x2x2方塊Joe Nowak3.754.33德國 4.30 4.38 5.78 4.30 3.75 4x4x4方塊Anson Lin31.6937.81中國 ...