From lacing up cleats for the field to leisurely strolling your favorite neighborhood block, New Balance is here to provide uniquely engineered shoes that do exactly what you need them to. New Balance's collection of women's shoes provides the ideal balance of aesthetics and function for every ...
Shop the largest collection of women's New Balance sneakers, running shoes, cleats and more at the official New Balance online store.
Unlock 10% off select styles on your first order. Sign up for updates about new arrivals, exclusive offers and more. Email Address I'm in By subscribing, I am agreeing to the New BalancePrivacy PolicyandTerms & Conditions. *Exclusions Apply...
在全球顶尖的运动品牌中只有 New Balance 还保留着「 美产 」和「 英产 」两条生产线。 比如说 NB 在英国的 Flimby 工厂每年大概只生产25000双鞋,工人们也都是有30年以上的制鞋经验,这样少批量高质量的生产,和因供不应求而泛滥的 574 之间的差别,也是可想而知了... 难怪像余文乐这样被各类潮牌青睐的红人...
在全球顶尖的运动品牌中只有 New Balance 还保留着「 美产 」和「 英产 」两条生产线。 比如说 NB 在英国的 Flimby 工厂每年大概只生产 25000 双鞋,工人们也都是有 30 年以上的制鞋经验,这样少批量高质量的生产,和因供不应求而泛滥的 574 之间的差别,也是可想而知了... ...
Rev - Lite:New Balance“悦轻”科技材料,是New Balance有史以来推出的最轻缓震材料。在拥有超轻重量...
Discover more: New Balance 鞋履 运动鞋 详细信息 has been selected 防水纺织鞋面,橡胶鞋底. 越南制造. Slip-on styling with drawcord lacing system. 绝缘鞋面. 此产品不适宜国际出口. 我们的款号. NBAL-MZ30. 制造商样式编号 SUFMOCM2. 您可能也喜欢 On On Cloud 5 Waterproof in Olive & Black $...
Shop New Balance 1000 for Men at HBX Now. Free Shipping available. 30-Day Return Policy. Shop Clothing, Shoes, Bags, Accessories, Home & Lifestyle, and more from our selected streetwear & contemporary designer brands. Sign up to our HBX Newsletter now to
而所谓“匠气味”较为浓郁的New Balance,则比较强调“美国制造”:每四双New Balance鞋中就有一双产...