继“Cyan Burst”9060的成功发布后,New Balance与DTLR再度携手,为我们带来了全新设计的“Purple Noir”版本2002R型号运动鞋。这款时尚运动鞋,无疑将成为追求个性与舒适消费者的新选择。New Balance 2002R “Purple Noir”版本在材质运用上别出心裁,灰色防撕裂底座与黑色麂皮覆盖层的搭配,既坚固耐用又时尚有型。...
According to a press release, the album explores "self-discovery, love, and searching for balance," chronicling her journey of growing up. McRae will kick off her Miss Possessive Tour in March, spanning 56 stops across North America, South America, and Europe, bringing her new mu...
With one month to go in 2023 we will take this moment to look back at the past 11 months. This is the year where we sawTom Bradyretire from the NFL, Bed Bath and Beyond filed for bankruptcy andBarbiewas the number 1 movie of the year! What about New York's version of 2...
My admiration of Irreversible (2002) comes solely from the unique camera work, the clever pacing of the film in the form of backward chapters, and the frenetic style of the opening work, however, the homophobia, racism, and brutality left me cold and I could not shake the feeling that thi...
The name of this post comes from one of my favorite television series,Babylon Berlin, a lavishly produced German neo-noir drama that takes place during the final years of the Weimar Republic, or precisely where we are in the timeline of this blog. ...