Netflix Release Date:July 29th, 2022 The anime follows the daily life of Rei Furuya, aka Tooru Amuro, the triple agent of the National Police Agency Security Bureau Security Planning, Chiyoda Division. Spinning many different plates, throughout his day, Rei is not only responsible for his dete...
Netflix Release Date:September 15th, 2022 Based on the 90s video game, Bastard!! certainly pushes boundaries and fully confirms that not all anime is for children. A further eleven episodes will arrive soon! The Dark Rebel Army, which plans to resurrect the god of destruction Anthrasax, conti...
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Each year, we look forward to some big releases that will shape Anime history along with some crap anime that we will watch either for the oppai or to pass the time. Whether you're excited for a new slice of life, Shonen, or BL anime: Anime Season is here!