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If you like fighting games or anime games as we do, Namco Bandai is always a very important Publisher to look out for. At Namco Bandai we could lay hands on their upcoming fighting game for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Fans of this classic should definitely take a look. Sadly they didn’t...
Colombia’s biggest annual fan convention, at the Corferias Convention Center in Bogotá, Colombia. During the panel, Crunchyroll announced multiple anime series coming to its streaming platform in January 2025, including TOILET-BOUND HANAKO-KUN Season 2, THE 100 GIRLFRIENDS WHO...
More mind games are headed our way with the upcoming anime series,Liar, Liar! The series is one of the new titles getting added to Crunchyroll's summer collection of animes! Check out the cast, crew, and trailer for the series below! You'll want to get up to date so ...
Devil May Cry Anime (TBA) Twisted Metal: Season 2 (TBA) Assassin's Creed (TBA) Splinter Cell (TBA) Castlevania: Nocturne: Season 2 (TBA) The following titles have been reported to be in development in the past but their status is currently unknown and they may no longer be actually hap...
TV动画「キミと僕の最後の戦場、あるいは世界が始まる聖戦season II」(你与我最后的战场,亦或是世界起始的圣战 第二季)片尾曲公开。片尾曲:「Para Bellum」Sizuk 动画将于7月开播。【CAST】イスカ:小林裕...
Anime Los Angeles earlier this year. You can read my review of the first episode and full reports of both theNYCCandALApanels for more information about the show and what you can expect from it ahead of its April premiere, and can expect more coverage of the show from us in ...
this series will probably resonate with you. It's a solid romance to boot, as the relationship between Akane and Yamada develops in a believable way. Also, the anime has already debuted, so if you enjoyed it and can't wait for a new season to find out how things develop, you can alw...
The anime series Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation officially welcomed 6 new characters for their upcoming season 2 that is expected to release this summer!
A new anime season means your new anime watchlist! Check out the full list of anime shows coming this season to Crunchyroll.