( 2009 ), “ Horizon scanning of new and emerging medical technology in Australia: its relevance to medical services advisory committee health technology assessments and public funding ”, International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care , Vol. 25 No. 3, pp. 374 ‐ 82 . [] []...
D Ward1, M Michaelides2,3, AT Moore2,3 and S Simpson1 Abstract The horizon scanning review aimed to identify new and emerging technologies in development that have the potential to slow or stop disease progression and/or reverse sight loss in people with inherited retinal diseases (IRDs). Po...
//www.who.int/medical_devices/en/index.htmlCompendium of new and emerging technologies that address global health concerns, 2011The compendium of new and emerging technologies that address global health concerns has been created as a neutral platform for technologies which are likely to be suitable ...
The Internet has reshaped the way that male sex workers and clients connect and has been identified as a useful space for safer sex messages and research that seeks out hidden or commonly excluded populations.We argue for a public health context that recognises the emerging and changing nature ...
The government work report of Liaoning province proposed to promote the integrated development of strategic emerging industries such as new materials, aerospace, low-altitude economy, robotics, biomedicine and medical equipment, new energy vehicles, and integrated circuit equipment. ...
The government work report of Liaoning province proposed to promote the integrated development of strategic emerging industries such as new materials, aerospace, low-altitude economy, robotics, biomedicine and medical equipment, new energy vehicles, and integrated circuit equipment. ...
In response to industry’s call to ensure best practice within this emerging industry, BSI has launched four new standards to help mitigate risks involved in manufacture and disposal of such products. “Standards are the fundamental architecture that supports accelerating or...
Keep up with the ever-changing world of medical science with new and emerging developments in health. SUBSCRIBE Your privacy is important to us © 2025 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK. All rights reserved. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Healthline Media is an ...
Emerging technology in healthcare has made patient care safer, efficient, and more reliable. Doctors and nurses can use devices to record and share critical patient data in real-time. This includes lab results, X-rays, and other vital patient data that can be crucial to providing effective pat...
Scientists from all over the world now share information about emerging diseases, said Dr. Trini Mathew, chair of the Public Policy and Government Affairs Committee for the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America and an infectious disease physician at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan....