In 2025, the AirPods Pro will be updated with a new design and a faster chip, plus the earbuds could get some previously-rumoredhearing health features. Rumors have suggested Apple is working on functionality that would let the AirPods Pro collect hearing data and better serve ...
Apple's plans to release next-generation AirPods are not set in stone, but we have a good idea of what features they will have and when we can...
Apple is working on a faster M5 chip that could come to the iPad Pro in either late 2025 or early 2026. Vision Pro 2 Rumors about the next Vision Pro have been unclear, but Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo thinks Apple is coming to release a next-generatio version of the Vision Pro in 20...
Apple does not offer instructions on how to upgrade AirPods software, but firmware is generally installed over-the-air while the AirPods are connected to an iOS device. Putting the AirPods in the case, connecting the AirPods...
Taiwanese industry publication DigiTimes continues to report that new AirPods are forthcoming. A paywalled preview of the report claims that suppliers of "Apple's upcoming AirPods series" are more worried about the COVID-19 pandemic affecting demand of the earphones than the virus impacting the suppl...
Next generation AirPods that were allegedly supposed to be announced at Apple's rumored March event are ready to launch, according to Jon Prosser...
Rumors have suggested that Apple is working on second-generation AirPods with an improved wireless chip that supports hands-free "Hey Siri" functionality. AirPods with "Hey Siri" supportwere shown offin a September Apple video when the iPhone launched, but upgraded AirPods did not make an appeara...
Mass shipments of second-generation AirPods Max and more affordable AirPods will likely begin in the second half of 2024 or the first half of 2025,...
Anyone having trouble getting their AirPods updated just keep using them for half hour or so and leave them close to your iPhone. No need to leave the lid open or even keep them plugged in. The update should be pushed within the hour. srbNYC macrumors 68000 Jul 7, 2020 1,...
Apple suppliers will begin production of two new fourth-generation AirPods models in May, according to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman. Based on this...