突发!一定要看完,避免你的GPT损失! 一打笔筒 2.2万 2 GPT大进化?详解突发的AutoGPT ChatGPT研究室 5.4万 118 ChatGPT最佳替代, 免费使用 - 基于GPT4模型的微软Bing Chat,本地安装GPT的方法 AI-魔法师 9166 3 撕碎最后封印!联网版chatgpt真的来了!! -爱嘤嘤嘤-斯坦 358 0 大升级!让ChatGPT、Sage...
Google Deepmindhas recently announcedGemini, its new AI model to compete with OpenAI's ChatGPT. While both models are examples of "generative AI," which learn to find patterns of input training information to generate new data (pictures, words or other media), ChatGPT is a large language mod...
4、辅助文献阅读:输入文献即可帮你解读,提高读文献效率,再也不用熬夜死磕文献了。 5、辅助SCI润色投稿:用户在使用AI辅助写作后,某些期刊要求AI占比不能过高,因此需要降低手稿的AI痕迹的比重,NewIdea有AI去痕模块,输入中文或者英文文本(单次限2000字),输出降低AI痕迹占比的原语言文本。此外还有论文降重、生信期刊推...
(JW Insights) Apr 13 -- China released draft rules for generative AI like ChatGPT and sought public opinions as a host of Chinese tech giants, including Alibaba and Baidu, have began rolling out ChatGPT-style products after the new technology takes the tech world by storm and triggers a n...
New bing A..newbing里面的ai体验还是差很多,ai在里面更多只是搜索的一个拓展,有点噱头的感觉,要玩还是用chatgpt比较好。newbing唯一的好处就是有独立app,不过chatGPT也有基于官方网页版
There’s a new AI robot: ChatGPT, and you’d better pay attention, even if you aren’t into artificial intelligence. The tool is an AI chatbot system that OpenAI publicly known in November 2022 to show off and test what a very large, powerful AI system can achieve. ChatGPT remembers ...
There’s a new AI bot: ChatGPT, and you’d better pay attention, even if you aren’t into artificial intelligence. The tool is an AI chatbot system that OpenAI released in November 2022 to show off and test what a very large, powerful AI system can achieve. ChatGPT remembers the threa...
1,文字内容创作者减少(甚至消失)。因为很多内容聊天AI都能够回答了,不再需要文字内容创作者。 2,部分大V失去影响力。除了部分极为专业的领域外,有些大V将失去影响力。因为聊天AI比高赞的大V能更快、更广、更好、更强地回答问题,并且可以实时交互。
Google parent Alphabet has plenty of AI talent and has helped develop some of the core AI technologies used to create systems like ChatGPT. The search engine is also a habit that's very difficult to displace. As Zwingmann notes, Google still has a major advantage over ChatGPT. ...