The move is likely to anger many who will see it as disrespectful to the millions of Americans mourning Ginsburg’s death, as well as a tasteless attack on the legacy of the pioneering woman justice. Ginsburg died on Friday, from pancreatic cancer at the age of 87. NPRreportedthat she ha...
I went down to Tijuana right on the border with Mexico and then returned to LA being met by Margit even though the train was several hours late. Margit’s friend was Walter Classman who lived in the Mission District of San Francisco and she arranged for me to go visit Walter who worked...
(1994). LateQuaternaryAlluvium ThesedimentsatthebottomofstreambedsofthelaterQuaternaryalluviumaregenerally youngerthan10,000yearsold.FossilsareusuallynotfoundinthesedepositsintheCoastal PlainProvince.However,thereisonenotableexceptioninSanDiego.Teethandlimbbonesof amammothwerefoundinfloodplaindepositsoftheTijuanaRiver...