TheSTGassault rifleandStatic-HVSMGare the two new guns available on day one as part of the battle pass, but even more will be coming later on. In the midseason update, the Spear melee weapon and Torque 35 combat bow will be joining the arsenal. New Aftermarket Parts New ways to use o...
NEW AFTERMARKET PARTS JAK Deathmarch (Week 6 Challenges) Compatibility: BAL-27 Assault Rifle This Aftermarket Part replaces standard ammo with high-voltage power cells and the barrel with a photonic scatter barrel. Fire a spread of lethal laser blasts that take down ...
The Superi 46-dominated meta is due for some changes in season five, and that’s where a new pass of weapon tuning should come in. Multiple weapons have been adjusted, including the MCW, SVA 545, BAL-27, MTZ-556, BAS-B, AMR9, FJX Horus, Superi 46, WSP-9, Bruen MK9, Holger 2...