The current Switch will likely exist alongside Switch 2 for some time, possibly several years. That's not unusual for a new Nintendo console. The Nintendo Switch has soldover 146 million units, and — as with previous Nintendo consoles such as the Wii and the 3DS — dev...
publisher Playstack shared the news of Balatro's return on Twitter. At the moment, the game is still unavailable to buy on the eShop in Japan, but the team are still looking into this.
近日,一位Reddit用户moreretrograde声称自己获得了两件真正的稀世珍宝——任天堂new 3DS X4和X5的原型机,并通过网络向全世界展示了这些难得一见的收藏品。这一消息迅速在游戏爱好者之间引发了热烈讨论。 对于许多玩家来说,任天堂new 3DS系列不仅仅是一台掌上游戏机,它更像是一位陪伴我们度过无数欢乐时光的老朋友。从...