For a complete listing of all our books visit the Metaphysical Bookstore.Neville Goddard LecturesWhen asked if people could purchase tapes of his lectures, Neville said "I have no tapes. Others here are making tapes for their own use. Perfectly all right. But I have no tapes." ...
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Your Faith Is Your Fortune by Neville Goddard MAN’S FAITH IN GOD IS MEASURED BY HIS CONFIDENCE IN HIMSELF BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I AM. – John 8:58 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...
ImaginationCreatesRealityNevilleGoddard-TheLaw 系统标签: imaginationnevillegoddardrealitycreateslaw ImaginationCreatesRealityNevilleGoddardYourownwonderfulhumanimaginationistheactualcreativepowerofGodwithinyou.Itisyoursavior.Ifyouwerethirsty,waterwouldbeyoursavior.Ifyouneededajob,employmentwouldbeyoursavior.Yourimaginationis...