We have shifted from material want to "meaning want," so that our lives lack purpose no matter our circumstances. Like us, the prophet Habakkuk lived in a time of great stress and challenge. The Babylonian Empire dominated the world stage, and threatened the nation of Judah with enslavement ...
Jeremiah 33:6-9 Meaning and Commentary INTRODUCTION TO JEREMIAH 33 This chapter is a continuation of prophecies of spiritual blessings on the church of Christ in Gospel times, of which the return of the Jews from captivity, and the benefits following on that, were types. The place where Jer...
Berean Literal BibleNevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those not having sinned in the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of the coming One.King James BibleNevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the...
The Meaning Of the Red Dragon with Seven Heads fighting with Michael about the new-born Child. The first vision of the little book, of which we treated in the eleventh chapter, ran through the whole Apocalyptical course, from the beginning to the end, and that, as we elsewhere observed, ...
Joshua 23:15 Meaning and Commentary Joshua 23:15 Therefore it shall come to pass, [that] as all the good things are come upon you which the Lord hath promised you Of which there was full proof, and it could not be denied: so shall the Lord bring upon you all evil things; ...
It is a silent world, and, nevertheless, in respect to the highest principle of art—the interpenetration of content and form, the perfect fusion of mode and meaning—it even surpasses music. In a sense, it is a static world, but so, too, are the worlds of the sculptor and the ...
Romans 5:15 The many: this has the same meaning as “everyone” in verse 12 (see Isa 53:11; Mk 10:45). Romans 5:14-16 New International Version 14 Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, ...
Twenty years later, she wrote down an extended version of what she remembered and how the Holy Spirit helped her understand its meaning.In a part of her vision, Julian is shown a great Lord who has a devoted servant. The Lord sends the servant off on some errand, and the servant is ...
2 Kings 23:11 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain.Tree of Life Version (TLV) Tree of Life (TLV) Translation of the Bible. Copyright © 2015 by The Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society. New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®...
Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the word must share in all good things with his instructor. Berean Literal Bible Now let theonebeing taught in the word share in all good things with theoneteaching. King James Bible Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him th...