This is the part that trips people up. Now, I’m a talker. Anyone who’s ever met me knows this. So I have no problem unloading my feelings on the poor kid who answers Lankford’s phone. But many people are not so loquacious as I. So what do you do if you care, you want to...
These presstitutes knowingly use a cover-up term that the CIA put into use via its media assets to discredit the expert skeptics of the Warren Commission Report on the assassination of President Kennedy. The fact that the carefully presented evidence is NEVER ENGAGED EXCEPT WITH NAME-CALLING is...
What wasn’t necessarily in the cards, however, was an end to the broader aura that the bubble economy fueled—the sense that, as the author Bruce Sterling put it at the time, we were living through a “new Belle Epoque.” Underlying that perception was a certain all-purpose optimism abo...
What wasn’t necessarily in the cards, however, was an end to the broader aura that the bubble economy fueled—the sense that, as the author Bruce Sterling put it at the time, we were living through a “new Belle Epoque.” Underlying that perception was a certain all-purpose optimism abo...