Do you think SoulCycle was invented so DJs would have something to do during the day? Will I ever own a home? Do we still need the no-smoking sign on airplanes? Who decided that bras should close at the back? Should I get a dog? share Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new wi...
I’ve got ten bucks and seven little men in my wallet! We love a good Harveys Wallet. And if it’s got dwarfs inside, so much the better. But, have you ever seen a cuter bow made out of seatbelts? Harveys is known for their icon seatbelt bags and wallets, and we think everything...
I checked Reddit–as always, a wonderful place, just not for buying things. On X (fka: Twitter), I was hoping to find some good scammy infoproducts, maybe some clever hardsells. But I was disappointed. I could have made a full quilt that spelled out “unoriginal” with all the thread...
This cat that isn’t at all stuck in this pipe. He’s just taking a break. Photo by reddit Source: © Shutterstock This cat that does not have a weight problem in the least. He’s big boned. Photo by Flickr Source: © Shutterstock This cat that loves trips in the car and isn... They have a mushy texture and come along with these mystery mini pieces of meat, this must be one of the worst sides in the world of fast food. Wendy's: 3/4 Pound Triple While Wendy's has a reliable menu, with Dave's Doubl...
I cried and insisted that you weren’t supposed to die because you wereZach. You were so young and bubbly and kind and so full of life and you honestly were the last person I ever would have expected to say goodbye to in a funeral home. Even though I don’t want to, I can still...
Of course, to celebrate the cherry blossom season, the brilliant designers at Starbright have been busy creating masterpieces that highlight the soft pinks and gentle whites of the flowers. We adore showcasing them by themselves in Manhattan, as cherry blossoms look incredible on their own. The...
d never have noticed Robin’s positioning or Beast Boy’s knee-signaturasaurus, things that (I assume) would be standouts to a really experienced person. I see themnow,thanks to her analysis, I hope she gets a little credit for having taught people to see things they might not otherwise...
Anyone who can’t appreciate what The Beatles created is likely either resentful of their ubiquity or annoyed by the giant shadow they cast over the work of so many others, and I also understand that. But I don’t blame The Beatles for that— they have come to mean so many things to ...
NFL Free Agency is fun and my team, the New York Jets, have won the offseason multiple times. Yet nearly every time the Jets won the offseason, they bombed the following year on the field. As the saying goes, this is not Madden football. Scheme matters. Personalities and leadership both...