Nevertheless, the escape will likely reinforce the public’s view that the government is afraid of the evidence and is no more likely to follow it than in the case of President Kennedy’s assassination, Robert Kennedy’s assassination, the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty and a large number...
IDF, Israel US
While newspapers at the time of the murder claimed the 46-year-old to be a ‘retired wealthy broker’, there is little to confirm this career – indeed, just a year after his father’s death, he was at liberty to take a three month holiday in Hawaii with his mother – and it may ...
The Role of Policing in Society Part II: The Effects of Defunding the Police July 28, 2020Last Minute SurvivalCounterinsurgency,economic collapse,Exclusive Story,Globalists,Insurgency,Leftist Communists,Liberty and Freedom,Politics,Resistance to Tyranny,Social Unrest,Socialists,Trump,UncategorizedComments Of...