This leads me to a big "Thank You!" to all of you that followed my Never B4 adventures and helped create the Never B4 meme by doing Never B4's of your own or by telling your friends, families or colleagues about this blog. It's fun to see Never B4 become a meme. What's more ...
Even though it contains an error, the version of the quote that ends with "Look the world straight in the eye" has become the more commonly quoted version by far, although the correct version ending with "Look the world straight in the face" does pop up from time to time on Reddit, ...
DearGifted Development Center: The best thing I could hear this afternoon at A’s post-testing conference isyou’re not crazy…he’s definitelytwice-exceptional…visual-spatial learner for sure…we can help you. If I hear anything less, I may cry right there in the meeting, and I really ...