He says: “I have always primarily thought Brexit would be a reboot on British politics and culture. In a lot of ways it will bring back much of what is missing,” and that “I think, given the opportunity to vote again I would still vote to leave. Eventually it gets to a point wh...
Although metal is infamous for listeners with suicidal tendencies or anarchists who think they’re the best, metal is more than just satanic rituals, mosh pits, shoey (drinking from shoes), or just a phase (sorry mum). If things are meant to be, they will be. This music genre is intere...
It never ends up being my responsibility because I’m never the first one in the officebecause I’m always running late, and I’m not even drinking it and IT WASN’T IN MY JOB DESCRIPTION BITCH! I usually get out of it by saying I don’t drink it and don’t even know how to ...
We actually have had more than a few sessions about this in therapy and while I was slowly able to start knitting again I am so far behind on commissions it’s almost comical and it is actually sad, it was still an almost painful process. Who lays awake at night feeling guilty about m...
If this were a birthday photo, it would be ideal. That would make sense with this post. The best I could find was this one of me drinking a key lime colada with my friend, Ange, on Fat Tuesday in Ft. Myers. it will have to do. It was ALMOST Lent?
i plan to read it on the toilet (a) bc i’m sure it’s filled with bathroom & vagina humor, (b) i’m not gonna accidentally pee my pants even alittle, not again. Loading... Kelly L says: March 2, 2012 at 10:03 am *cue meme photo* I don’t usually pre-order books… ...
What is this guy smoking? I want some. (Actually, I don't. As I've said many times before, I can't inhale. I start coughing too hard.) You get my point, though. I've documented time and time againwhat utterandcomplete quacksthese guys are. ...