Nevada Test & Training Range Nevada Test Organization Nevada Test Site Nevada Test Site Development Corporation Nevada Test Site Historical Foundation Nevada Test Site Office Nevada Training Encampment Nevada Trial Lawyers Association Nevada Truck and Trailer Repair Co. Nevada Undergraduate Research Symposium...
(Placename) a state of the western US: lies almost wholly within the Great Basin, a vast desert plateau; noted for production of gold and copper. Capital: Carson City. Pop: 2 241 154 (2003 est). Area: 284 612 sq km (109 889 sq miles). Abbreviation:Nev.orNV(with zip code) ...
Nevada test and training range roadmap development This paper describes the development of the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR) Roadmap investment strategy algorithm and examines the combination of test and training requirements into a coherent investment strategy. This strategy aim... DR Vander...
NWL - Nevada Women's Lobby. Looking for abbreviations of NWL? It is Nevada Women's Lobby. Nevada Women's Lobby listed as NWL