duringthesaleorpurchaseofaresidentialpropertyintheStateof Nevada. Inalmosteveryrealestatetransaction,someformofwrittendisclosure isrequired.Forexample,realestatelicenseesmustdiscloseiftheyare relatedtoapartyinthetransactionoraffiliatedwiththelenderinvolved inapprovingtheloanforthatparticulartransaction.Sellers,forinstance,...
A licensee needs to disclose their license when it comes to sales and purchases of: A. Residential Real Estate B. Commercial Real Estate C. Federal Foreclosure properties D. Condominium Interest Ownership Act In an exclusive right to sell contract, does the seller have a...
2nd Offense-Imprisonment 10 days to 6 months of jail or residential confinement. 2nd Offense-Fine $750-$1000 2nd Offense-Other Possible vehicle registration suspension. May be ordered to attend treatment program or be placed under clinical supervision of a treatment facility for up to one year....
This letter will show exactly how much you are approved for, your down payment, and some conditions of approval that still need to be met, like a valid real estate contract and for your credit and finances to remain the same through your closing on a home. This letter is good for 90...