Observing the need to curb fraud and abuse within the state's Medicaid program, Nevada officials Nov. 16 released an urgent notice to behavioral health providers informing them that they are imposing a temporary moratorium on new enrollments for two provider types: qualified mental health associates...
On July 1, 2022, Magellan Medicaid Administration, Inc, (MMA) will assume the administrative operation of pharmacy benefits management on behalf of the state of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Care Financing and Policy for the Nevada Medicaid fee-for-service......
Home Glossary Release Information
Event TypeThe identifying code and name of the behavior event. Event Types are created in theEvent Type Setuptool and can be mapped to State Event Codes. Options depend on the Alignment selected for the Incident; only Event Types with the same alignment will be available.Student > Behavior >...
Medicaid, SSI and Worker's Compensation; to designat and change beneficiaries of insurance policies insuring my life and beneficiaries under any annuity contract in which I have an interest; to decrease coverage under or cancel any of these policies described above; to receive and make...
(ADA, 1999; Pham et al., 1999; Pittet et al., 1999; Brem et al., 2000; London and Donnelly, 2000).Requires Medical Director Review
Tool Search:Master Register The NV Master Register is detailed list of all students enrolled in a school within the specified date range. Master Register Report Editor Report Logic The Master Register Report is generated and printed three times a year: 1st day of school, Count Day and the last...
Courses marked as State Exclude are not included. A student must be on the course roster as of the Start Date entered on the extract editor. The Start Date on the extract editor must fall on a Monday. This report extracts data one week at a time. If a student is absent during the da...
The report considers the first 100 days of instruction. When the Calendar Type (System Administration > Calendar > Type) isF Four Day Week, the first 80 instructional days report. Non-instructional days are not included in the count range. ...
The list below provides the Nevada State Mapped Attendance Codes counted as Absent Days in the Ed Facts and NV State Chronic Absenteeism Calculations, regardless of the Local Status/Excuse combination. The exception is 'MDP: Medical Professional Excuse Provided', which is only considered for Ed Fac...