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A student must not be entered as an enrolled student in the Master Report for more than one school on the same day. The Primary enrollment record is used to determine which enrollment record to include for students with multiple enrollment records. Partial and Concurrent enrollment records are ex...
Behavior Setup The Behavior Office functionality allows users with the necessary tool rights to set up behavior events/incidents, resolutions, and responses. Below are Behavior fields specific to the state of Nevada. For all other inquiries, please visit theEvent Typesarticle. ...
Attendance Code Descriptions CodeDescription EEnrollment Reports on the first day a student is enrolled into a course. Ereports even if a student has an absent mark for that first day. Term start date is used if the student does not have a roster start date. ...
Total number of non binary primary enrollment records. This is the total number of non binary primary enrollment records at the start and end of the day. Census > People > Demographics > Gender Identity.gender Total Total number of primary enrollment for the day. ...
Records that meet and do not meet the chronic absenteeism criteria are included as long as the student is enrolled for at least one day. The report can be run against a district’s active year and any prior year. Attendance occurring any time on and before the effective date is counted. ...
Generate Extract / Submit to BatchUsers have the option of submitting the report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about su...